Tuesday 30 June 2015

Targeted Contact Data: Freshly Made, 100% Pure

Handcrafted data specialise in providing you with 100% accurate and reliable data to your target audience requirements.  We faced the age old marketers’ problem of contact data quality.  Our hungry sales team constantly needed feeding with new, targeted leads and to provide them with these we needed contacts. And lots of them. 

Going out to buy a bunch of contact data struck us as the best option and, after consulting lots of data brokers, we realised that no matter how much, or how little we spent, the data was mostly terrible.  We came across IT Directors who had left years ago or were never IT Directors at all. 

After a while of this we realised that the only way to get the good quality, fresh contacts we needed was to find them ourselves.  Contact-by-contact, we manually entered their details into our CRM and soon we found we were getting really good at this. So good, that we decided to start offering this manual data crafting as a service for you. 

Whatever your unique target audience requirements, we can find and assemble quality contact information quickly.  We can also provide fully-tailored, lead-generating email campaigns to these fresh contacts.  Either feeding these leads directly to your sales team or pre-qualifying them first by our own experienced sales crew.  And, if your target audience should change week-to-week we can shift the focus of our search to accommodate this. 

We can guarantee that your data is up-to-date, of good quality and accurate.  We can guarantee that your data won’t bounce, be stagnant or be just plain crazy as it can be from a typical data broker.  

Why not learn a little more by visiting our micro-site: www.handcrafteddata.com

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